Godescalc de Nepomuk, Teologia ca dispozitie stiintifica. Prolog la Comentariul la cartea Sentintelor, ed. critica, trad. studiu A. Baumgarten, Polirom 2016, 430 p.
Reviews: Ioana Curut, in Questio 17 (2017), pp. 661-663; Ana Irimescu: In Revue Mabillon 28/89 (2017), pp. 359-361.
Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early XVth century ,
Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early XVth century, Brepols 2015, 489 p.
Prise FIF 2015 from University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania
Reviews: G.R. Evans, in: The Journal of Theological Studies, Oxford 1 (67) 2016 ; J.-P. Rothschild, in : BAMAT 26 (2016), pp. 470-473. I. Curut, in Chora. Revue d'études anciennes et médiévales 13 (2015), pp. 310-314.
Portraits de maîtres offerts à Olga Weijers, éd. C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen (FIDEM 65)
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012, 550 p. http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503548012-1
This volume contains a few studies on the Sentences' commentaries. See: Brinzei, Schabel, Livesey
Reviews: Jacques Verger, in Académie des inscription et belles lettres. Comptes rendus des séances de l’année 2014, 2 (2014), pp. 834-836; Elsa Marmursztejn, in Le Moyen Âge 2/2015, Tome CXXI, pp. 574-575 ; Constant Mews, in The Medieval Review 2015; Constant Mews, in : The Medieval Review 2015 ; M. Coucours, dans : Scriptorium 69/2 (2015), pp. 155, 218-219.
Ioana Curuţ, “Viennese University Theologians on Practical Theology” [with a diplomatic edition of Quaestiones communes, I Sent., Prol., q. 2 = Utrum theologia sit practica vel speculativa], in Archa Verbi. Yearbook for the Study of Medieval Theology, 14 (2017), pp. 101-156.
-Luciana Cioca, "Johannes de Wasia and his Sentences Commentary", in Philobiblon 22/1 (2017), pp. 149-164.
-Mihai Maga, "Critical Exploration of Medieval Philosophy with Digital Humanities Tools: Challenges and Solution", in Philobiblon 22/1 (2017), pp. 223-234.
-Monica BRINZEI, « Unknown fragments of Petrus de Trysa in the codex Basel, Universitätsbibliotek A-X-44 », in Chora 14 (2016), pp. 285-293.
-Alexander BAUMGARTEN, "Doctrinal remarks on Godescals of Nepomuk's Prologue to the Sentences commentary", in Hermeneia. Journal of Hermeneutics, Art Theory and Criticism 17 (2016), pp. 15-28.
- Monica BRINZEI, « The Questions on the Sentences in Manuscript BH MSS 58 from the Biblioteca Historica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid », in Pecia Complutense 13/24 (2016), pp. 46-60.
- (with Mihai Maga, Christopher Schabel), “The Golden Age of Theology at Prague: Prague Sentences Commentaries, ca. 1375-1381, with a Redating of the Arrival of Wycliffism in Bohemia”, in Historia Universitatis carolinae Pragensis 55 (2015), pp. 21-42.
- Chris SCHABEL, “Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Filioque at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century,” in Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl, ed. M. Brinzei, Turnhout, Brepols 2015, pp. 15-83.
- Monica BRINZEI, « La Lectura Mellicensis de Nicolas de Dinkelsbühl : écho de l’esprit réformateur de Jean Gerson », in Nicholas of Dinkelbühl and the Faculty of Theology at Vienna in the XVth century. Proceeding of the ‘Journée d’étude sur le commentaire des Sentences de Nicolas de Dinkelbühl’, Paris 2013, ed. M. Brinzei, Brepols, (Studia Sententiarum I) 2015, pp. 318-283.
- Monica BRINZEI, « Tabula Lecture Mellicensis », in Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early XVth century, Turnhout, Brepols, 2015, pp. 385-451.
- Monica BRINZEI, « Introduction », in Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the Sentences at Vienna in the Early XVth century, Turnhout, Brepols, 2015, pp. 7-14.
- Monica BRINZEI, « Enquête sur la tradition manuscrite du commentaire des Sentences du cistercien Jacques d’Eltville », in Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 56 (2014), pp. 247-262.
- Pavel BLAZEK, « Due commenti di Johannes Streler, O.P. (1459) alle Sentenze di Pietro Lombardo. Edizione dei prologhi e tabula quaestionum », in Angelicum 91 (2014), pp. 669-726.
- Christopher SCHABEL, « Cistercian University Theologians on the Filioque », in Archa Verbi 11 (2014), pp. 124-189.
- Monica BRINZEI, Christopher SCHABEL, « The Past, Present, and Future of Late Medieval Theology: The Commentary on the Sentences by Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl », in Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, ed. Philipp W. Rosemann, Vol. 3, Brill, Leyde, 2014, pp. 174-266.
- Claire Angotti, "Les listes des opiniones Magistri Sentnetiarum quae communiter non tenentur: forme et usage dans la lectio des Sentences", dans Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, ed. Philipp W. Rosemann, Vol. 3, Brill, Leyde, 2014, pp. 79-144.
- Ueli Zahnd, "Easy-Going Scholars Lecturing Secundum Alium? Notes on some french Franciscan Sentences commentaries of the Fifteenth Century", in Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, ed. Philipp W. Rosemann, Vol. 3, Brill, Leyde, 2014, pp. 267-314.
- Monica BRINZEI and Luciana CIOCA, “New attribution of texts in the manuscript Münich, Clm 11591”, in Chora 12 (2014), pp. 269-286.
-Alexander BAUMGARTEN, Godescalc de Nepomuk, in Biographia Cisterciensis (Cistercian Biography), Version vom 21.10.2014, URL: http://www.zisterzienserlexikon.de/wiki/Godescalc_de_Nepomuk
- Monica BRINZEI, Russell FRIEDMAN, Christopher SCHABEL, « The Reception of Durand's Sentences Commentary, with Two Case Studies: Peter Auriol (†1322) and Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl (†1433) », in,Durandus and His Sentences Commentary: Historical, Philosophical and Theological Issues, eds. A. Speer, G. Guldentops, T. Jescke, and F. Retucci (= Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales - Bibliotheca), Peeters, Leuven, 2014, pp. 295-341.
- Monica BRINZEI, "La théologie comme science selon Jacques d’Eltville", dans Actes of the IVth Annual Symposium of the FIDEM: Coexistence et coopération au Moyen Âge / Coesistenza et cooperazione nel Medieoevo, Palermo 2014, pp. 278-291.
-Alexander BAUMGARTEN, Mihai MAGA, « Contributii la identificarea commentariilor la Cartea Sentintelor a lui Petrus Lombardus conservate in Biblioteca Batthyaneum din Alba Iulia» , in Biblioteca 9 (2014) pp. 276-283.
-Chris SCHABEL and Fritz S. PEDERSEN, “Miraculous, Natural, or Jewish Conspiracy? Pierre Ceffons' Question on the Black Death and Astrology, with Texts by Gersonides and Jean de Murs/Firmin de Beauval,” Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales 81 (2014), pp. 137-179.
-Elpida LAZARI and Chris SCHABEL, “Cosmology and Theology in Gerard of Siena's Question on the Empyrean Heaven,” Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales 81 (2014), pp. 95-135.
-Monica BRINZEI, « Aegidius de Campis et son commentaire perdu des Sentences », dans Portraits de maîtres offerts à Olga Weijers, éd. C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen (FIDEM 65), Brepols, Turnhout, 2012, pp. 23-36.
-Monica BRINZEI, “Le commentaire des Sentences de Nicolas de Dinkelsbühl”, in Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale 15 (2013), pp. 59-64.
-Monica Brinzei, Christopher Schabel, « Thomas Aquinas as Authority and the Summa as Auctoritas in the Late Moddle Ages », in Summistae. The commentaryy Tradition on Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologie (15th-18th Century), eds. L. Lanza, J. Mehrinos, and M. Toste, Brill 2018, 28 p.
- Monica Brinzei, Christopher Schabel, « Les cisterciens et l’université Le cas du commentaire des Sentences de Conrad d’Ebrach (+1399) », in Les cisterciens et leurs bibliothèques, ed. Anne-Marie Turcan, Brepols, Turnhout, 2017, 38 p.
Monica BRINZEI, « La faculté de théologie de Paris au XIVe siècle à travers les lunettes de C.-E. du Boulay », in Naissance d’une historiographie universitaire : César Egasse du Boulay (ca. 1600-1678), sources et méthodes d’un historien de l’université de Paris, ed. Thierry Amalou, Thierry Kouamé, Press Universitaire de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2017, 35 p.
Chris SCHABEL, “Dominican Anti-Thomism: James of Metz's Question on Divine Foreknowledge, with a Rebuttal from Hervaeus Natalis' Correctorium Iacobi Metensis,” Przegląd Tomistyczny 20 (2014), ca. 35pp. [forthcoming].
Chris SCHABEL, “Pope, Council, and the Filioque in Western Theology, 1274-1439,” in I. Bueno, ed., The Papacy and the East. Intellectual Debates and Cross-Cultural Interactions, Leiden: E.J. Brill, ca. 20 pp.
Monica BRINZEI and Chris SCHABEL, “Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl and the University of Vienna on the Eve of the Reformation,” in Elzbieta Jung, ed., What is New in the New Universities? Learning in Central Europe in Later Middle Ages (1348-1500), Turnhout: Brepols, ca. 60 pp
Ana IRIMESCU, « Les quatre livres des Sentences de Pierre Lombard », in Révue d’Etudes Augustinienne et Patristiques, 64 (2014), ca. 5 pp.
Mihai MAGA, The Prologue of the Sentences commentary of Conrad de Soltau, electronic edition on the THESIS site, ca. 50 pp.